Thursday 22 December 2016

Trying to Discover Your Passion is Like Mining for Gold

I don’t know why it is so hard to decide what our passions. It should be the easiest thing in the world to just take a look at what we like to do, the things that we would do for free, the things that come easily to us, second nature so to speak.

I frequently take care of my granddaughter. She has been taking tap dancing lessons for awhile. I thought she would be really excited with her tap shoes, what little girl doesn’t love the tapping noise those shoes make. Don’t get me wrong, she does enjoy that, but in the entire time she has been taking dancing lessons, I have never seen her tapping those toes except at dance recitalsl. I of course don’t see her at her classes.

The winter was pretty cold and snowy here this year, and several of her classes were canceled. The dance studio wanted the kids to have the opportunity to make up the missed classes, so they gave them the opportunity to attend any classes on the schedule. The ballet classes were the ones that fit the famiy schedule, so she got to go to those classes instead of the usual tap classes.

Once You Discover Your Gifts and Talents, You Come Alive

The next time she came to my house, she was dancing all over the place. She walked around on her toes, was spinning and leaping. There was a cute tv show about a dancing ballerina mouse, and she begged to watch the show and she tried to follow all the steps from the show. It is obvious that ballet has really gotten her excited.

The next class she went to the instructor asked her mom if she could talk to her. She was wanting my daughter to consider transfering my granddaughter to the ballet class because she has a natural appitude paired with a strong desire to learn. I would say that she has already discovered one of her passions tied to her God given talent.

She is only five, and she was not trying to figure out what she was gifted at. It just comes naturally. I think it works that way for the rest of us as well. You can’t fake your passions, and who would want to. They light you up, you can feel them in your heart. The problem is the older you get, the deeper they are buried. Many of us have lived a life of keeping them boxed up. They are things that we are good at, they are easy for us so we don’t see the value in the things we can do almost without thinking.

We overlook the fact that although they are easy for us, that is not the case for others. I needed help realizing this. I had to let others tell me what they saw in me. I guess I really did know all of those things, but we were taught that bragging was not the thing to do. We have to get over that mindset when we are on the discovery path.

I took a class with Deb Ingino. She owns “My Wired  Style“. Her class was really helpful and she does a great job. The class uses the DISC profile in conjunction other exercises homework and input from Deb as you go through the process of getting in touch with your gifts and talents, and understanding how you can use them.

I highly recommend her class if you are trying to pinpoint you gifts and are struggling. This is a critical piece of actually ending up with work you love. Don’t skip this process, or you might deprive yourself of making the difference you were put on this earth to do.

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